Microsoft Azure
Microsoft Azure cognitive services is all about a comprehensive and productive family of artificial intelligence services as well as cognitive APIs for assisting you to construct the intelligent applications.

Microsoft Azure Cognitive Services
Microsoft Azure cognitive services is all about a comprehensive and productive family of artificial intelligence services as well as cognitive APIs for assisting you to construct the intelligent applications. Microsoft azure cognitive services brings the artificial intelligence within the reach of every developer and programmer without the requirement of machine learning expertise.
All it needs is an API call to embed the ability for seeing, hearing, speaking, searching, understanding, monitoring, governing, measuring, accelerating and creating the ability of decision making inside the applications. There is a short video which is available on the website page of Microsoft azure which tells you about deploying artificial intelligence for various usage cases with the ultimate utilisation of the programming language that is already known by you.
Advantages and Benefits –
Through the medium of Microsoft azure machine learning you are capable of applying artificial intelligence towards many more environments and scenario with the help of the most comprehensive portfolio of domain specific artificial intelligence capabilities which are on the market. You can construct confidently with the first artificial intelligence services for achieving the human parity in computerised language, vision, speech and momentum.

You can easily deploy cognitive services anywhere from the cloud to the edge with containers.